Peelable Wallpaper Solvent Fabric 1370mm x 30.5m

Central UK Location
Daily deliveries throughout
the UK and Europe
You can now offer your customers a totally unique interior with this printable and repositionable wallpaper.
Victory Peelable Wallpaper is a revolutionary self-adhesive fabric that is used in place of wallpaper for indoor applications. Due to its water resistant adhesive and front film, it can be used in areas of high moisture indoors such as bathrooms, spa rooms and swimming pools. Normal indoor uses are in the home as a wall covering, commercial wall covering and other retail designs.
You can now offer your customers a totally unique interior with this printable and repositionable wallpaper.
Victory Peelable Wallpaper is a revolutionary self-adhesive fabric that is used in place of wallpaper for indoor applications. Due to its water resistant adhesive and front film, it can be used in areas of high moisture indoors such as bathrooms, spa rooms and swimming pools. Normal indoor uses are in the home as a wall covering, commercial wall covering and other retail designs.
Due to the products removable properties your customer can easily take it off their wall without causing damage to the surface beneath. If they change their mind it can be put back on again with ease or even used in a different location. This makes it especially ideal for use in retail, museum and exhibition environments.