Ecojet Gloves Cloth For Media Handling

Central UK Location
Daily deliveries throughout
the UK and Europe
Lint free cloth gloves for media handling, reducing the risk of damage to the substrate during the production process.
Lint free cloth gloves for media handling, reducing the risk of damage to the substrate during the production process.
The Ecojet cloth gloves are designed to be lint free to prevent any debris during use.
The Ecojet media handling gloves are made of a fabric cloth.
Our media handling gloves are made of lint free cloth to prevent debris, reduce chance of scratches and it allows you to moisten the glove to help shape the media.
The Ecojet media handling gloves are designed for use on vinyls, wraps and digital prints, to help apply and shape them cleanly.
Our Ecojet media gloves are sold in pairs.
Our Ecojet gloves are a one size product.