digiMARK Digital Media Perfect Poster Paper (150g) 50m roll

Central UK Location
Daily deliveries throughout
the UK and Europe
digiMARK Digital Media Perfect Poster Paper is a white, high-volume paper with a semi-matt surface. Its double coating produces strong colours and fast drying prints.
digiMARK Digital Media Perfect Poster Paper is used for poster applications and indoor advertising.
The base paper shows a homogeneous structure when transilluminated. In combination with the good strength and high dimensional stability, even in high humidity, it can also be used as backlit in light boxes. This is also supported by its wet strength.
From an ecological point of view, digiMARK Digital Media Perfect Poster Paper as a pure paper product is very environmentally friendly, it is PVC-free and FSC® (FSC-C119162) certified.
50 metres on a full roll.
Easy processing due to good drying properties. It should not be exposed to rain.
Prints should be covered with a laminate to protect against abrasion. Insufficient drying of prints can negatively affect the adhesive. Care should also be taken to ensure that the print is completely dry and outgassed before laminating, otherwise bubbles may form under the laminate.
Typical applications are posters, displays, POS signage, indoor and temporary outdoor advertising, light boxes.