Avery MPI 7201 PWF Gloss Removable 1370mm(BY4240001)

Central UK Location
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Avery Dennison MPI 7000 Perforated Window Film series consist of perforated, calendered films with a black backside for use on transparent substrates (i.e. glass).
Avery MPI 7201 PWF Gloss Removable consists of 160 micron gloss white vinyl, with 1.5 mm perforation and 40% of open area.
After printing this film allows the full graphic to be seen on one side but still allows viewing through the window from the other side.
• All types of one way vision graphics on buildings, glass panels and glass doors.
• Continuous, uninterrupted vehicle graphics covering painted and window areas
• Colorful graphics on windows that still provide sufficient interior daylight
• High-impact promotions for passers-by
• Lower environmental footprint - lower CO2 emissions and less use of water & energy during production
• Good privacy inside, with a clear view of the outside
• Fire certification available
• Long-term durability with ICS performance guarantee
• Controls glare, UV and solar heat