Avery DOL 4000 Ultraclear Gloss Perm Film inc Liner 1370mm x 50m (CB7260254)

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Avery Dennison DOL 4000 Ultra Clear Cast is a premium quality, flexible cast vinyl film designed for use as a protective overlaminating film for digitally printed images, especially for Perforated Window Films.
Protective overlaminating film for digital printed images on flat or curved substrates. For indoor and outdoor use.
Full roll: 1370mm x 50m
Avery Dennison DOL 4000 Ultra Clear Cast is a premium quality, flexible cast vinyl film designed for use as a protective overlaminating film for digitally printed images, especially for Perforated Window Films.
Avery Dennison DOL 4000 Ultra Clear Cast offers high transparency resulting in excellent see-through properties when used form Perforated Window films.
The combination of PWF and DOL 4000 Ultra Clear Cast is suitable for most curved windows.
Protective overlaminating film for digital printed images on flat or curved substrates. For indoor and outdoor use.
Do NOT use combination of Avery Dennison digital media and Avery Dennison DOL 4000 on corrugated or riveted
• Premium quality, flexible, high gloss cast vinyl
• Excellent properties when used in combination with PWF on curved windows
• Highly transparent
• Improves durability of image
• Protects against UV radiation and abrasion