Swann Morton 10a Scalpel blades 0132
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Swann Morton Blades - Box of 100 No. 10A scalpel blades - split into 20 packs of 5 foil wrapped blades. Manufactured by Swann Morton.
The Swann Morton 10A scalpel blade is a straight edged blade with a strong tip and fits Handles 3, 3L, 3 Graduated, 5B, 7, 9 and B3.
Swann Morton Blades - Box of 100 No.10A scalpel blades - split into 20 packs of 5 foil wrapped blades. Manufactured by Swann Morton. The 10A is a straight edged blade with a strong tip and fits Handles 3, 3L, 3 Graduated, 5B, 7, 9 and B3.
Grip the spine of the blade with forceps or tweezers, avoiding making contact with the cutting edge as this can impact performance. Place the blade partway over the handle fitting and engage slots. Flex the blade upwards slightly and slide it onto the handle. The blade will click into place.
Hold the handle with the blade attached, making sure that the cutting edge is facing away from the hand and body. Furthermore, during removal; ensure that the blade is pointed down, towards the work surface and not towards yourself or another person. Grip the blade at the spine with forceps or tweezers near the base. Whilst holding the handle firmly, lift the back edge of the blade with the forceps or tweezers, and slide the handle back, away from the blade, gently.
The Swann Morton 10a Scalpel blade is ideal for trimming up any unwanted material on your design when working with signage vinyl. It is well suited for cutting through thin materials.
Swann Morton’s 10a scalpel blades are carbon steel. This makes them much harder, as well as being highly resistant to abrasion and deformation when compared to ordinary steel.
When your blades are not in use, it is best to keep them covered with either a sheath or tightly packed in a tool bag, so that the blade cannot be bumped or scuffed. Furthermore, your blade will dull much faster if you are cutting on a hard surface such as glass; so, it is recommended to use a cutting matt, which provides a worksurface more friendly to blades.